Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Chilean Worm Purse

I wake up every morning thinking the same three words, "need to piss". This morning I had three different words on my mind, "Chilean worm purse." I'm not sure what that is, if it's anything?

I mean it sounds like it should be a thing. If it's not a thing, let's agree to call the next new nameless thing "Chilean worm purse". I'm not sure if it is a Chilean purse made for worms or if it is purse made of Chilean worms?

The term would make a great computer virus name. It has the word worm in it. Don't computer virus names always have the word "worm" in them?

It sounds fancy. I can just imagine some Hollywood star walking down the red carpet and someone pointing out how well her shoes match her Chilean worm purse.

It could be a Hardy Boys story, "The Hardy Boys and the Mystery of the Chilean Worm Purse."

I often have trouble sleeping at night and I might very well flip channels to find Chilean Worm Purses being sold on QVC between men's jewelry and collectible knives for women.

I put this new collection of words into my Google search engine and it came up with 10,500 hits. None of these used all three words correctly, but there was a site regarding a Chilean karaoke champion. I bet he has a chilean worm purse to match his eyes.

1 comment:

Randy Harris said...

Are you sure it's not one out of ten?