Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Meet Dave's Bobo

This is an example of why Dave Walker(man) is the second funniest guy I know.

"I'm having my first ever colonoscopy today. I had some thoughts on the process thus far, and I had to write them down. I figured of all the people I know, it is you guys, and probably you guys alone, who could appreciate this.

So, I share. Why? because I'm a helper. I help. It's what I do.

If hell has an official soft drink, it's GOT to be colyte

Because of the unforseen (and, it must be said, ferocious) efficienty of the Colyte, I ended up with a nasty little rash deal on my . . . well, you know.

My wife says to me "Want me to go to the store and get some Destin? It's real good when you're hurtin' in your bobo" Now, the fact that she referred to that part of my body as my "bobo" made me laugh, hard, for 20 minutes, and made me so glad I'd married her I can't even describe it.

Destin really is good when you're hurtin' in your bobo. It's basically zinc oxide paste, but it works like a charm.

I had to take enemas this morning. Plural. I begin to suspect this has no medical purpose, but merely serves to amuse the staff at the hospital. Either that or its some bizarre government subsidy of the enema industry
Or both

The enema instructions read, in part, "before inserting, remove green protective cap from insertion tube". Thanks for the heads up, guys. Really.
I'll probably have more thoughts after the procedure proper is over. Whether they'll be thoughts I can or should share, I'll let you know.

Yours in colo-rectal health,


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