Saturday, April 23, 2005

Kind Words from Scott and Dave

"Mr. Harris writes: "For the record I never felt like I was part of the whole Jefferson Street/Grey house thing."

Sir Toby: A false conclusion: I hate it as an unfilled can. To be up after midnight and to go to bed then, is early; so that to go to bed after midnight is to go bed betimes. does not our life consist of the four elements.

Sir Andrew: Faith, so they say; but i think it rather consists of eating and drinking.Sir Toby: Thou are a scholar! let us therefore eat and drink. Marian, I say! A stoup of wine!--From "Twelth Ninth" (found in the back of Fred Chappell's 'Earthsleep') a nice little autographed beauty from Mr. Harris.

You see, Randy, what you've got to understand, is that while you may have not spent a lot of physical time at Jefferson Street, you were there constantly in spirit. In fact, without you there would have been no Jefferson Street or at least no need for such an assorted mix of misfits to live there together. As a poet/zen master you transcend the need for physical presence: each one of us still carries a piece of you with us where ever we go. Can't look at a dead squirrel and not think of you, and, by god, I don't many peole I can say that to and mean it. So, despite how you feel, as an original member of the Jefferson Street four, as someone who played nine holes of golf through the living room, as one who watched as a drunken hippy pissed in Dave Walkerman's closet and sat helplessly by as a callow wimp, as one who officially fucked fucking study break, as one who drove to DC at midnight with a 2-litre root beer, a pack of bologna and a loaf of bread and slept in a parking lot, I officially, barring protest from the other lease-signing members, do hereby bequeth you the official title of Jefferson Street/Grey House thing member with all the responsibility and disgrace it brings. And anyway, most of our time was spent in Guilford chatting up the receptionist chicks or throwing jars of jelly at South Spencer.And finally, I think the only reason you didn't hang out at Jefferson is because you were the only one of us losers that actually had a girlfriend and had something to do." Scott Nunn

Dave 8:26 AM
"I have to echo the sentiments of the esteemed Mr. Nunn.Without Randy, there is no 'us'. He is the foundation and soul of our mutual friendships.He was as much a part of the Grey House as anyone.I don't remember the frozen chicken thing at all; though I do have very clear memories of Ed doing pushups in the snow.I wonder what Fr. Fitzgerald is up to these days. Last I heard I think he had been sent to Rome for graduate work.It's a shame there's not an interconnected worldwide system of networked computers where one can look these things up.Well, maybe someday. Right after we get flying cars, they should work on that." Dave Walker(man)

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